Dextrous Object Manipulation with Robot Hands Including Rolling and Slipping: Improved Motion & Force Computation Method

TitleDextrous Object Manipulation with Robot Hands Including Rolling and Slipping: Improved Motion & Force Computation Method
Publication TypeTechnical Report
Year of Publication1994
AuthorsWöhlke, G.
Other Numbers888

This paper deals with the two fundamental problems that occur when objects are manipulated with multi-finger robot hands: the determination of the joint motions to perform a manipulation according to a given object trajectory, and the optimization of the joint torques needed to ensure a stable and secure grip configuration. The consideration of the effect of rolling and slipping of the fingertips on the object surface leads to a set of linear differential equations for the joint angles and to a partly non-linear optimization problem for the joint torques solved by the Hooke-Jeeves algorithm. The removal of redundant information reduces the computational effort to about 40% of the operations required for the standard procedure. Especially, the resulting object motions are demonstrated at an example: the rotation of an ellipsoid-like object with the fingers of the Karlsruhe Dextrous Hand.

Bibliographic Notes

ICSI Technical Report TR-94-018

Abbreviated Authors

G. Wöhlke

ICSI Publication Type

Technical Report