Building Convex Space Partitions Induced by Pairwise Interior-Disjoint Simplices

TitleBuilding Convex Space Partitions Induced by Pairwise Interior-Disjoint Simplices
Publication TypeTechnical Report
Year of Publication1993
AuthorsPellegrini, M.
Other Numbers827

Given a set S of n pairwise interior-disjoint (d-1)-simplices in d-space, for d ? 3, a Convex Space Partition induced by S (denoted CSP(S)) is a partition of d-space into convex cells such that the interior of each cell does not intersect the interior of any simplex in S. In this paper it is shown that a CSP(S) of size O(n^{d-1}) can be computed deterministically in time O(n^{d-1}). These bounds are worst case optimal for d=3. The results are proved using a variation of the efficient hierarchical cuttings of Chazelle.

Bibliographic Notes

ICSI Technical Report TR-93-039

Abbreviated Authors

M. Pellegrini

ICSI Publication Type

Technical Report