Some Internet Service Providers Redirect Internet Searches

August 10, 2011
Some Internet service providers (ISPs) redirect Internet searches through third-party companies, according to Networking Group researchers. New Scientist, the Electronic Frontier Foundation's blog, Slashdot, and the Washington Post have featured the findings. Rather than sending searches such as "apple" to search engines like Bing or Yahoo, a dozen ISPs with millions of customers divert their queries through affiliate marketing companies that ultimately send them to Web sites such as Apple Computer, bypassing the search engines. ISPs apparently earn commission off the redirected searches. Networking Group researchers Christian Kreibich, Nicholas Weaver, and Vern Paxson have found more than 160 search terms redirected this way, including "Apple," "Dell," and "Safeway." While these retailers hire marketing companies to generate traffic through ads and other legitimate mechanisms, the retailers may end up paying for traffic that ISPs redirect from Web searches as well. Read more in the New Scientist > >, the Electronic Frontier Foundation's blog >>, and Slashdot >>